09 February 2007

Stormy Weather (8 February)

When we woke up this morning, it was even brighter than usual, and this was the sight that filled the back patio and garden:
While it made for a bit of slushy getting-around-town, we didn't have any transportation nightmares this morning (amazing, considering we took a combination of bus, rail, and tube between us) and I even took a few pics of snowmen on the nearby green before they melted away:

Although we were both feeling tired after a quick early dinner, we headed across town for a show that we were really looking forward to--Nina Nastasia, a perfect end to a rather cold and under-the-weather day:
She took requests from the audience, held the small room silent with her amazing voice, and seemed charmingly uncomfortable making between-song small-talk. Suddenly, before it seemed possible, the show was over and we were back in the cold night, taking two tubes and a bus back to our flat, with her songs in our heads all the way home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny & Bob,

Jonathan and Lisa told me last night about your blog. Looking forward to keeping up with you on your adventures.
Take Care

PS. I can't remember my google username or password, so I'm signing in as anonymous.