21 July 2007

Potter or Pizza?

The rain looked like it might just stay away for a bit today, so we headed south to the Lambeth Country Fair, where we spotted these two interesting cyclists:
We watched some of the dog show, including this demonstration of the early training of this extremely cute recent pound-rescue.
Unlike in Canadian cities, where carnivals like the PNE come to town, occupying one site for more than a month, we're learning that London hosts a seemingly endless number of mini-carnivals on greenspaces all around town, which crop up at the weekend with an astonishing array of rides, food booths, demonstrations, music, and plentiful (weather-permitting) picnicking. Then, come Sunday night, they disappear, only to return to another greenspace with a slightly different feel.
This particular pro-walking advert is on a lot of bus shelters around town, and I really like the simple graphics and its "Why not walk it?" message.
In spite of the advert, we definitely didn't walk home from the country fair (some 13 km south of our flat), opting for the train instead, where we noticed this wind turbine atop this large housing complex
and were treated to a nice view of St. Paul's amongst the cranes and the rail tracks.
The best photo opportunity of the day, though, was pointed out by Bob as we shopped at Sainsbury's this evening:
You may have heard about a little book being released to the public at midnight last night, and today, on its first full day of release, everyone under the age of 20 in London seems to be carrying around a copy of the book. It looks like at least one person changed her/ his mind though, abandoning the book and taking home some pizza instead?

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