07 April 2008

All the Best

Bars across windows are usually a stark affair, but someone put quite a bit of thought into turning these mundane realities of city life into a bit of artistic expression:
Just in case you have as much trouble reading the words as I did, they say: "Peace if you come at all, with a lighter heart and joy heart or do not come at all." (Full points for effort, if not for grammar.) Bob and I thought we'd have a peek in Freightliners Farm, but a large sign outside the gate said that they're closed on Mondays (something the website doesn't mention, unfortunately), so we kept walking. I did get one photo of the exterior wall of the farm before we left, though:
It appears to be a mural of farm animals and . . . all the breakfasts that our cute, cuddly friends become . . . . On our way back toward home, we passed this defaced Banksy:
Apparently it's not the only one that's been defaced recently, by the same "All the best" person--very sad, in my opinion. Anyway, thanks to Flickr, you can still see what today's image looked like before the whitewash.

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