16 August 2007

Off Again

Tonight we went to Camden to see Bill Callahan play a show--his last show in Vancouver was one of the best we've ever seen (that voice; those songs), and even with that precedent, tonight didn't disappoint. He's just plain great . . . that voice; those songs . . .
But now that we're home from the show, we still have a few things to do before we leave tomorrow. Yes, we're barely back in London and we're heading away again, this time through England and Scotland for a bit of a wander, with stops with family in England's midlands and lake district and up near Inverness in northern Scotland, and two city stops on our own in Glasgow and Edinburgh thrown in for variety. We won't be back until the end of the month, but we're taking the laptop this time, so you might be kept more up-to-date than usual when we go away, depending on how many rainy days we get while we're in the country (BBC weather currently tells me that we're bound to get some). And if you have any tips on what we should see or do in any of those areas, feel free to let us know!

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