02 November 2007

An Evening Stroll

In Vancouver, Bob and I would often go out after dinner for walks along Stanley Park's gorgeous seawall--there's not much I've seen so far in life that's prettier than that walk, which used to be all of five minutes from our apartment. We don't tend to go for after-dinner walks so much in London, as there's not that type of scenic route so close to home. When we do venture out, like we did tonight, the sights are decidedly more urban and less postcard-y, but we still enjoy seeing our neighbourhood in a different light. We hadn't noticed this complex of live/work units during the day, but it was impossible to miss at night:
The lettering on the Spence Café window cast shadows over its dark interior, reminding us that we haven't lingered over coffee and treats since they finished their space-making renovations.
And finally, we didn't see many pumpkins around this Halloween, but now that the 31st has passed, we're starting to notice them near rubbish bins. Bob spotted this spectacular specimen and I must say that I've never seen a carved pumpkin with such a great built-in hat!

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