20 November 2007

Reading Labels

Living in another country has really shown us some of the things we take for granted on a daily basis back in Vancouver. I really should be keeping a proper list as I notice instances, but the other day at the grocery store, one rather tiny (but still annoying) difference came to mind: peanut butter.
I don't require (or want) sugar or added oil in my peanut putter. I like peanuts and salt--that's it. Such an ingredient list is quite easy to find in Vancouver, whether in a conventional supermarket, health food store, or corner market, but I've had a difficult time finding my two-ingredient peanut butter in London. So far, I've only been able to find such peanut butters in the enormous Whole Foods on Kensington High Street (the only Whole Foods outside of Canada and the US) and our local Fresh & Wild (also owned by Whole Foods) on Stoke Newington Church Street, with both shops carrying a variety of brands containing just peanuts and salt (and even just peanuts, for the true puritans). You can also grind your own peanut butter at Whole Foods if you'd like to pay an astronomical price for the privilege. Even though I don't really approve of my purchase's cheesy name ("Smooth Operator," ugh) and I heartily disagree with the claim that it's "fun to eat" (I'd recommend leaving a bit more room at the top of the jar to stir in the oil once it separates), it has my two ingredients and it was on sale: good enough for me.

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