08 July 2007


We spent a bit of time gazing at John Constable's The Hay Wain today,
but the sun got a bit hot and we moved on.
"Huh?" you may be thinking--well, The Grand Tour is a temporary installation in streets all around the West End, consisting of numerous reproductions from the National Gallery's collection. I like the idea of the event very much, but it is also a nice reminder that the National Gallery is so close, free, and just waiting to be explored more on each visit. In another close-up, followed by a zoom outwards, here's the label off of an ingredient in our dinner. Are we the only Canadians who wouldn't be able to identify this vegetable without a transparent package? (Try not to peek further down the page!) Apparently, the name comes from the French "mange" (eat) and "tout" (all), which is what you do with these delicious vegetables, and which I also hope results in a much nicer pronunciation than Bob and I were spouting in the grocery store.
Apparently, if I want snow peas, I have to remember to ask for mangetout!

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