17 July 2007

Nowy Lepszy Smak

After I made sure that Paul got on the right tube back to Heathrow, it was back to "normal" life, including a big shop at Sainsbury's to restock our fridge. Since we have a very tiny freezer, we don't tend to keep many frozen foods, and I generally buy something frozen on shopping days that we can make for dinner that night so we can enjoy the convenience of frozen food without taking up freezer space for too long. Tonight Bob and I had perogies--something that we both love to have once in a while (and never, ever from scratch, I'm afraid). Although supermarkets in Canada tend to have several brands of perogies, including an in-house brand, Sainsbury's had only one, and without any English on the bag:
After looking at a few bags, I did find that there was a tiny sticker listing the ingredients in English that had come off most of the bags, so after reading the ingredients, I figured that we'd try some "pierogi ruskie" for dinner, and along with my additions of diced portobello mushrooms, bacon, cheddar cheese, and sour cream, they were quite yummy! Now if only I knew what "nowy lepszy smak" meant--the consumer in me figures it must mean something like "new improved recipe" or "now with more lepszy," but for now, I remain in suspense.

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