04 July 2007

You Follow Me

Even though we just saw her back in February, we decided to see Nina Nastasia again tonight--it was just too good a combination to pass up, with Nastasia's amazing voice, Jim White of the Dirty Three providing percussion, and the dreamy combo appearing at a lovely church about fifteen minutes from home (never underestimate the wonderful, wonderful luxury of events happening at close proximity to home in a city like London, where public transportation can test even the most patient person, which I don't even claim to be). In spite of numerous technical difficulties, they put on a fantastic showof old favourites and songs from their new album, and we finished the evening with a quick drink at the pub around the corner with our music-loving friends from Brighton--something my sinuses never could have survived before the smoking ban, especially in a compact, crowded, low-ceilinged place like The Compton Arms. I'm still amazed that mere days into the change in smoking regulations, businesses and individuals seem to be complying without exception, but I'm certainly not complaining!

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