03 January 2007

Bespoke (2 January)

Here's a photo of St. Paul's taken from across the Thames. Feel free to compare it with yesterday's meta-photo taken from Richmond Park--I prefer yesterday's.
And along the linguistic front, another new word I've learned in London (actually, I learned it in Vancouver, thanks to a book Miko gave me for my birthday, but I've had its use confirmed many times since we've been here) is bespoke. Am I the only Canadian who didn't know this word?
I still can't see it without thinking it means something very fancy indeed, and this was the first time I saw it used in relation to baked goods--and this shop is meant to have quite the reputation for delicious creations. A day of glorious sampling will have to wait until we have £ coming into our bank account though.

And finally, another linguistic photo--an out-of-place word and one that's very odd to read in such a context.

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