13 January 2007

Happy Old New Year

It's Saturday again, so the weekly question is: which market should we try today? We decided to head west to Portobello Market, but what should have been a straightforward trip was made a bit more complicated by various scheduled tube closures (for engineering work). Once we picked up a pamphlet that explained all the ways we couldn't go, we found our way over to Portobello Road and had a peek at the trinkets, food stalls, and shops. Most of the "antiques" weren't really my style and the odd thing I did like was terribly overpriced, but the market was still good for an enjoyable stroll and a browse.

From Notting Hill, we took the tube and got off at St. James's Park, where we strolled toward Trafalgar Square. We enjoyed the view

and, as always, the birds. Here's Bob gazing at more of the orange-billed geese that first won our hearts in Victoria Park:Why were we going back to Trafalgar Square, when we were just there two days ago, you ask? Well, we were curious about the Russian "old" new year celebrations being held there today. A row of Russian food stalls was set up in front of Canada House,the square itself was filled with people and music,and in conjunction with a Russian bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics, you could try shooting pucks at balloons in a hockey demonstration (it wasn't limited to kids, although no adults were participating when we walked by, so Bob didn't try his luck--I could tell he wanted to and tried in vain to get him to take a turn).

And what would a Russian festival be without some Russian dolls? Um, better make those Canadian instead:

I think Bob's pose is eerily true to life, don't you agree? From Trafalgar Square, we headed across the Thames to the Tate Modern, for one last look at the Fischli and Weiss exhibit before it closes tomorrow. We also headed into more of the permanent collection and then sat for a long time on one of the balconies, enjoying the mild night and the view across the river.

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