09 January 2007

To the Surface

We've been in London for five weeks now and we're getting more and more settled in our flat, neighbourhood, and city with every passing day. Having said that, our flat is still a tad sparse, and our search for a dining table and chairs, chest of drawers, and TV continues--although we've arranged to look at a dining table and chairs tomorrow night that just might work! It will be nice to be able to sit and eat at a table, never mind use our laptop on something other than our laps. If the set looks anything like the photo the person posted on gumtree, it should be a quick sale. Fingers crossed. Anyway, on our way home after checking out a secondhand furniture shop that was recommended to us by a clerk at another secondhand shop, we came across Oscar the Grouch near Old Street tube station: He was, alas, without his trusty pal, Slimey, but he still looks right at home near the recycling depot. And here's Bob at our tube station, Angel, going up the escalator on the way out of the tube. It's a lengthy ride, since Angel has the longest escalator (60m/197ft) in the London Underground and, in fact, western Europe! Lucky us, with all that time to think about what we're going to make for dinner as we float up to the street. . .

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