03 January 2007

Light and Dark

After dinner we went for a bit of a walk to work up an appetite for dessert. Along the way, we came across an over-the-top Christmas display:
Back in Vancouver, such a sight would make me think that the people living in the house must enjoy sharing their love of Christmas with the neighbourhood; in London all I can think is, "How much does all that electricity cost?" Unlike in Vancouver, electricity (and gas and water and and and) here is expensive. We don't yet have a firm idea of what our first bills are going to look like, but have been doing our best to cut down on our usage of everything in anticipation. I'm sure I'll dream of our $10 CAD monthly electric bill (and inclusive heat and water) for our old Vancouver apartment when we get our first month's electricity, gas, water, and council tax (property tax that is passed on to tenants--something that would be illegal in Canada) bills for this flat. Never mind this whole TV licence thing--something that I thought couldn't be real when I first heard about it--although we have yet to get a TV, so for now that's moot.
Anyway, on with the walk. We crossed over this bridge and I couldn't see over the brick walls on either side. Bob peered over and told me that it was a rather pretty view of The Regent's Canal, so I got him to take a photo so I could see it and now so can you!

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