05 March 2008

Long to Reign Over Us

I got off the bus a few stops early when I spotted this from my seat:
This brilliant new Banksy is getting quite a lot of attention (see this video taken the day after I took this photo, if you want an idea of what I mean), which is understandable in light of the ever-escalating prices that his work seems to fetch, coupled with the fact that someone seems to be damaging several of his London works, including one that graced these pages a while ago. Still, in what seems to be a London/ Banksy/ graffiti first, I found out that since I took this photo, most of the image has been covered in perspex in order to protect it! Perhaps the owner of the pharmacy shelled out for the protective coating? After all, he's already said, "I am absolutely delighted--I think it's just fantastic. I've heard how much these works can go for. We would consider selling the wall, but not the shop. I think anyone who would want to erase it is crazy. It's a piece of art."

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