13 December 2007

Having a Cuddle

I've passed Finsbury Town Hall many times on the bus, and always admired the gorgeous lettering that graces its front awning, but it took until today, when I was in the neighbourhood on foot, for me to take a photo:
Since Bob was teaching on the Isle of Dogs today, we met at Island Gardens DLR station and walked over to Mudchute farm for a return visit. The farm was a bit quiet today, but we admired the horses
before heading into the farm to see if we could find our favourite lop-eared goats. Their old pen had been turned into garden space though, and we didn't end up finding them, but we did find some other goats and quite a few cute kids as well. This pen was open to the outdoors, and the kids cuddled under the heat lamp.
Another pen was completely indoors, with lamps that seemed even warmer:
Their legs were a bit wobbly and they hopped around, squeaking and tumbling around in the hay.
Oh and there was also a nice Christmas tree, very much in keeping with the simple ambiance of the farm:

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