18 December 2007

Kimchi L Maguro

And, we're off!
We're heading to Seoul and Tokyo for the holidays and have been dreaming about all the fantastic Korean and Japanese food we're going to eat while we're there. SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI. Um, sorry, where was I? Oh yes: although tomorrow's flight(s) to Seoul won't take the most direct route by any means (we fly London-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Seoul, with layovers at both stops, making for a 25-hour journey, not including ground transportation on both ends, which will make it more like 28+ hours), we are at least starting the trip on the most civilised of feet, with KLM's fantastically easy online check-in, which opened thirty hours before our first flight. No lining up at the check-in counter; no arriving two hours ahead of time. We've already got our seats and boarding passes and just need to drop off our luggage at the luggage counter an hour before departure. Easy peasy--now if only the rest of tomorrow's journey lives up to this degree of convenience! I probably won't be updating these pages until after we're back on 7 January, so if you want more Our London Adventure thrills, you could use the lack of new entries to catch up on some old posts. Surely you can't have read alllllllllllll of them, can you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy travel and holidays to you both!