28 June 2007

Crystal Palace Park

We arranged to meet Fiona, Max, and Zach (a good friend of Max's) today at Crystal Palace Park for a bit of an afternoon walk--luckily, the rain stopped for a few hours and we had a lovely stroll. We started out in Dinosaur Park, which is filled with representations of how early Victorians saw such prehistoric creatures:
An active turtle (by turtle standards--every time we turned around, so had he!) and a family of ducks frolicked around the sculptures:
Max gazed over at the dinosaurs but didn't require the extra entertainment, and was instead content with a stick, some gravel, and chasing Zach along the path.
Fiona offered to push Max on the merry-go-round, but Max got more enjoyment out of pushing her!
Then it was off to the swings, fun for little boys
and, um, bigger ones too.
On our way out of the park we came across this mish-mash of bodies in less dignified poses than we usually encounter such sculptures in London:

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