19 June 2007

Sidewalk Conundrum

Bob returned to London yesterday, and we took it easy today since he was definitely feeling the joy that is jetlag. Although I was just there last month, we popped into 19 Princelet Street so that Bob could have a look during their last series of openings until September. Afterwards, we wandered around Spitalfields, where we came across this very odd diagram on the pavement:
Cars are equal to bird poo? Pigeons like to poo on cars? One bird equals three cars? We couldn't figure it out. Of course the image next to it is also vague: cut your car use in half? Reduce the size of your car? After a bit of unsuccessful pondering, we wandered around the neighbourhood, enjoying the architecture and the relatively quiet streets. My favourite buildings in Spitalfields have these wonderful wooden external shutters: After a few hours out and about, Bob insisted that he felt fine, but when pressed, he added that he felt a bit queasy and shaky, so I deemed him jetlagged and we returned home for dinner and some telly until Bob declared 10:00 P.M. bedtime, and promptly fell asleep. In spite of this, it's nice to be able to put the "our" back into Our London Adventure; even nicer is that his mum's long-awaited surgery was successful and she's now at home, recuperating right on schedule.

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