16 June 2007

Take, Take, Take

I had all these plans for today, but the weather didn't cooperate,
so I settled for some neighbourhood errands and a stop at the latest installment of Hackney's Give and Take Day, which took place just off Stoke Newington Church Street. An attempt at making the "reuse" element of recycling easy for people in the borough, residents are welcome to give or take as much as they like (with giving happening in the morning and taking in the afternoon). If I were in Vancouver, I would have plenty of stuff to contribute, but in our simple London existence, I just participated in the "take" side of things. While I felt a bit guilty about this at first, I arrived in the last half-hour of taking, so I figure that the goods I came away with weren't exactly the most popular! I was happy with my selection of books and a comfy, solid metal folding chair that will be a perfect addition to our patio.
When the rain didn't let up, I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon inside, reading the Saturday Guardian, but I'm not quite sure what to do with this very large poster insert!

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