17 February 2008

Advice Booth

Bob and I passed this sight on Brick Lane this afternoon:
It turns out that the advice booth was conceived and is staffed by a Dubliner and a Torontonian who take consultations on various Sundays. For the princely sum of £1, they will discuss your concern, give you a lollipop, type out their advice, and even send you away with a money-back guarantee! (It's nice to know that at least as of May 2007, no one had asked for their money back.) After watching the advice process for a bit, we continued walking toward Beigel Bake to pick up some bagels and dessert for tonight (brownies--mmm). Tomorrow we're off on another non-London adventure, once again on a cheap airfare that proved too good to resist. We'll be in Barcelona for two nights, hopefully long enough to get a good taste of a city (and a country) that will be new to both of us. As always, I'll do my best to make you feel like you were there with us when I catch up on the blog upon our return.

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