03 February 2008

Satisfying a Craving

Today was the first Sunday in a while that the train from our place to the Camden Arts Centre was running as usual, so we took advantage of that convenience to catch their latest show. The art centre itself was decorated with umbrellas purchased at charity shops, as part of Graham Hudson's installation, Forecast.

After walking through the galleries and trying to figure out today's live "performance" which seemed to consist of an apparently normal man sitting still on the floor while people filmed him (???), we took part in our usual Camden-Arts-Centre ritual of strong coffee over a fantastic selection of magazines and newspapers in the comfortable café.
Afterwards, we bussed up to Golders Green to check out the Korean grocery store that I'd heard about a few months ago (the one that makes the excellent tofu). Well, let's just say that we left the shop a bit more weighed down than when we entered!
In fact, we had bi bim bap for dinner, and our first tastes brought us back to our recent trip filled with culinary delights.
Are you all impressed that I cooked up such a wonder? Well, don't be--the truth is that we bought two deli-prepared containers filled all the meat and vegetable toppings you need for bi bim bap and all I did was make rice, fry two eggs, and spoon some go chu jang sauce on top!

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