28 February 2008

A Tall Order

I met Bob at Southwark station today and we popped into Jerwood Space to see what the current exhibit was, only to find that it was a display about the Jerwood Moving Image Awards, and that the shortlisted and winning videos could be seen online. I had a peek at the winners while I was writing this post, and I quite liked the image that went along with "It's checking your emails" in Johnny Kelly's Procrastination. Anyway, we left the gallery and had a wander through the neighbourhood on our way to London Bridge to catch our bus home. We passed a bit of a run-down church, with an adjacent peaceful garden,
and a row of lovely, quaint cottages just behind.
This nearby sign is asking for a lot!
The Hop Exchange was the centre of London's brewing industry in the 17th century, and images of hop gatherers grace its entrance:
Now housing offices, the interior is meant to be incredible. The final photo for today is one that Bob requested I take as he made our afternoon coffees when we returned home:

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