03 October 2007

Hurry, Hurry

I met Bob at Liverpool Street Station today and since it was a lovely, sunny afternoon, we decided to slowly wander up toward home, not doing much of anything except popping into White Cube's Hoxton Square gallery for a look at their current exhibit. As often happens in London, we also saw some interesting pieces of art on the streets while we walked:

I have no idea how this car reached this state, but it was very strange to see it just sitting on the street, with other cars parked around it. Hoxton is just the type of place where the car might have been set ablaze as some form of art installation, but you never know . . .
(As I mentioned before, sometimes the streets of London can be like a zombie-ridden scene from Shaun of the Dead, which we finally saw last week. We thoroughly enjoyed the scenes of Shaun walking through his London neighbourhood, unaware that the destroyed city and apathetic people around him were anything other than the usual sort--and Bob and I agreed that the concept was made distinctly more hilarious after living in London and experiencing some of its oddness first-hand.)
On another fire-related note, this plaque on the former site of Lord Monteagle's house commemorates some significant unexploded gunpowder in London's history:
We passed by this imperative
just before coming across this sculpture, with the biggest figure pointing and indeed hurrying toward Hoxton Street!

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