06 October 2007

A Moment Extended

My cold seems to have settled in for a nice long cuddle, so except for an I-shouldn't-have-exerted-the-energy jaunt down to the library, I stuck very close to home (in fact, close to the couch!) today. It was good timing for Bob to announce, "I think it's about time for my coffee to be in the blog again," and so here are his masterpieces:
One consolation about my cold (so far, at least) is that I can still taste things normally, so today's coffee was a delicious, soothing treat. Bob's perfected his coffee-making skills, reliably crafting an excellent cuppa with the humblest of tools, and just how we like it: strong, super-hot (for me, with my cup warmed up and an extra frothy top to keep the heat in), and with Monmouth beans supplying the perfect roundness of flavours. Lucky me: when I make the coffee, it's good, but not great like this!

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