17 October 2007


I met Bob at Victoria Station this afternoon and we wandered in the general direction of Hyde Park. As we zigzagged through the neighbourhood, I noticed this rural sight in a distinctly non-rural form: Of course, once we got into the park, there were plenty of birds, dogs, and squirrels frolicking about, and Bob used his trademark squirrel call to attract the attention of the busy creatures, who (without exception) stood up and looked over Bob's way each time he beckoned:
Hard as it may be to believe, we hadn't come to the park for the squirrels; we were here to see the Serpentine Gallery's pavilion, a temporary structure built right next to the gallery itself.

As we began walking up the ramp that circles the outside of the pavilion, we got a very different view out toward Kensington Gardens:
At the top of the pavilion,
you can enter a small lookout perch
that hovers over the public space below.
The top of the pavilion also allows a rare elevated view of the Serpentine Gallery:
By the way, that's not construction that you can see through the open doorway; it's actually part of the current Matthew Barney exhibit, which was crazy, as usual. I must say that I find him consistently overrated though! On this crisp, sunny early evening, I much preferred the sights we encountered outside the gallery as we walked toward the tube station:

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