17 December 2006

Attack of the Mince Pies! (10 December)

We wandered over to the Serpentine Gallery on Sunday and encountered a familiar sight in Kensington Gardens:

After the Serpentine, we headed to "Café in the Crypt" at St. Martin-in-the-Fields on Trafalgar Square for a cheap, delicious, hearty meal. The warm atmosphere definitely belies the cafeteria-style setup. We decided not to get dessert, but soon discovered that there was an art opening in the church's gallery space, complete with mulled wine and mince pies--that changed our minds pretty quickly. Free mince pies seem to be everywhere this month, and we'll definitely take them!

After dinner, we walked through Trafalgar Square to see its Christmas-tree gift from Norway. Bob proclaimed the lights "a bit too up and down," but the sight was lovely, even in the Vancouver-style rain.

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