18 December 2006

Tate Modern (12 December)

We bought a year-long membership for the Tates and thus acquired the first card that reminds us that we're not just here for a week-long holiday. We bought our memberships at the Tate Modern; the current Fischli & Weiss exhibit is one of the best I've seen. I giggled more at their senses of humour, so evident in their creations, than I think I have collectively at all other art exhibits. If you haven't seen their brilliant film The Way Things Go, unfortunately not part of the Tate exhibit, hunt yourself down a copy and be mesmerized. Bob and I saw it at Seattle's Henry Art Gallery some time ago, and although I thought I would just watch a minute or two, I ended up watching the whole video from start to finish and even partway through again--and I don't think I can say that about any other gallery video installation.

I wanted to ride Carsten Höller's slide (the tallest one), but the timed advance tickets were already sold out until too late in the day. Bob allayed my disappointment by reminding me that we'll have time to come back. Oh, yeah, I forgot!

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