18 December 2006

London Bridge (15 December)

We spent a lot of time at London Bridge station, since the train to and from Sydenham called there. We got the keys to our flat on 14 December, and after taking one of our enormously heavy suitcases there, we trekked out to Ikea (some things don't change) to get a few things for the flat, before heading back for our last night in Sydenham. It ended up being a late night and we found ourselves at London Bridge after midnight waiting for a train.

Since it was definitely off-peak hours, we spent a lot of time staring at these screens, waiting for our train to pull into the station so that we could at least sit down--there aren't any chairs in this waiting area, and I don't think I saw any in London Bridge station that weren't part of a restaurant. Notice the ever-inflammatory Evening Standard headlines beside the vending machine. I guess it was a slow news day.

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