17 December 2006

No More Flat-Hunting = Borough Market (9 December)

We found a place to call our London home--and considering what I was prepared for, the hunt itself wasn't too bad. It's just funny to have a flat after staring at London maps in Vancouver wondering how we would focus our search. We talked a lot about where we would live before deciding that we would just have to wait until we got here, and everything worked out on its own...imagine that.This is the view from our living room window, which leads to our "private" patio---it may not be much, but it's ours!

Buses run on our street, but our flat is at the back of our house, so you can't hear a thing.

Since we left our deposit by noon, we didn't know what to do for the rest of the day (we had prepared to flat-hunt all day long). It was Saturday, so Borough Market seemed the perfect way to celebrate accommodation success. Our favourite foodie market never fails to entice and reward--samples galore, artisan everything, and an atmosphere that can only be described as delicious--all year round.

I'm always drawn to bread and I gleefully purchased some from de gustibus, which made a yummy present for Fiona and Gerald (we had a few slices when we ran out of muesli one morning too, so it wasn't entirely selfless ;-)).

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