20 December 2006

Five Days Until Christmas

With all this moving-to-a-different-country silliness, there hasn't been much time to get into the Christmas spirit. All our decorations are in storage, we haven't bought presents for anyone (not even each other!) this year, and our flat is still an assortment of messes (although all our clothes fit into the landlord-supplied wardrobe, so we're pleased about that). Anyway, in an effort to make things feel a bit more festive, we went in search of a Christmas tree today, but ultimately balked at paying £20 for a 3" tree. It was pretty though, and we'll try a few other places tomorrow.

Along the way, we explored the area near Angel (the tube station, not David Boreanaz). We stumbled across Chapel Market, which had cheap produce and Bob's brand of razor blades. In fact, we couldn't get away from the market, since every shop we went into seemed to exit right onto the market street. In spite of arriving home treeless, we did get to see Santa:

Not quite sure what he's doing though.

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