11 March 2007

Along the Towpath

Today we decided to explore Maida Vale and some of the surrounding area in northwest London. As we began wandering from our train stop, I was just about to ask Bob why there were so many people standing at the crosswalk in front of us when I saw the name of the street: Abbey Road. I tried to get Bob to cross in the crosswalk, so I could take the typical tourist photo, but he refused. Apparently, our visit to Abbey Road wasn't accidental, as Bob wanted to have a peek at Abbey Road Studios, but this was as close as we got:
There were many beautiful houses in the area, but this weathered exterior was one of our favourites on the atmospheric Pindock Mews, a street that we later learned contains more than a few £2,000,000 homes. I also liked how the modesty of this house's street number, 18a, didn't really seem to match its grand arch:
The best part of our walk was along the Regent's Canal in the area known as Little Venice. We passed by a pair of kayakers batting a ball back and forth,
a crowded café with seating on the towpath and on the boat,
a barge that holds old-fashioned puppet shows,

and an idyllic hammock and patio table and chairs.
All in all, it was a nice, quiet stroll on a lovely sunny day--if this weather keeps up, we're going to have to retire our winter coats for the season!

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