04 March 2007


Today was a rather dark, drizzly day, but we roused ourselves out of the house to meet Fiona, Gerald, and Max for a long-overdue thank-you-for-letting-us-stay-with-you-for-ten-nights-while-we-looked-for-a-flat lunch. We ate at the Tate Modern's fancy restaurant overlooking the Thames, caught up on each other's goings-on, and took turns escorting Max to the windows so he could point out the riverboats, bicycles, and people to us. After lunch, Bob and I walked across the Millennium Bridge and did a few errands before heading home. This cute dog greeted us on Church Street, with a lick of his lips aimed in the direction of our purchases,and now we're at home, about to have some Monmouth coffee and peruse today's newspaper before continuing our DVD over dinner: a relaxing end to a wintry day that definitely calls out for a bit of cozy time!

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