16 March 2007

French and Turkish

After going to Broadway Market for the first time last weekend, we decided to head back to Broadway on a non-market day to have a quiet coffee. We had a hard time choosing, since there are several places on the short street that look excellent, but in the end, we chose this small French deli
and were amazed to have the best non-Monmouth coffee we've had in London. However, the coffee might be Monmouth after all, since we asked what beans they use and were told that that the staff doesn't know (only the owner knows), but that they sell the beans in the deli. We think it's Monmouth! Anyway, we made one more food stop on the way home, at a Turkish bakery in our neighbourhood that Bob's cousin recommended to us. Well, Fiona, you were right! It's amazing and all I could say after I'd taken my first bite was, "Oh oh, we live too close to this yumminess."

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