23 March 2007

A City Full of Bears and People

We returned to the Timothy Taylor gallery today, for an exhibit by Canadian artist Marcel Dzama. I love his strange people/ creature concoctions--you can see one peering out at the street in the gallery window here--
and this exhibit was just as simultaneously odd, cute, disturbing, ugly, and bizarre as usual. The exhibit included a very strange film by Dzama, screened in one part of the gallery space that was set up as a theatre, complete with giant creature seated at piano, and another very tall creature seated in one of the theatre seats, taking in the show along with the rest of us.Our next stop was at the nearby New London Architecture, where we took in two exhibits on London: Sustainable London and Legible London. They were both a bit simple, but still interesting enough, although the Utopian tone of both exhibits was made painfully clear when we passed by this tube station.
These people are not rushing down the stairs to the crowded trains, nor are they slowly crawling down the same stairs to make their way to the packed platforms. No, no, no! They are not moving at all, because the station was too full of people trying to make their way around London during Friday's rush hour, and people weren't being allowed in until even more people left the station. Now Bob and I have been in some crowded cities and have used a lot of packed public transportation during many unbelievable rush hours, but we've never seen anything like this.

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