06 March 2007

Thanks, Richie

So far in March, the days seem to alternate from cold and blustery to warm and sunshine-y, so I guess it was only logical that today positively glowed of spring after yesterday's chill. London Bridge was our meeting point today and we walked past cherry blossoms
on our way to Monmouth Coffee to buy another 500 grams of coffee for our home brews. We hadn't been to their Borough location before (we only seem to be in Borough Market on market days and Monmouth is always way too crowded on those days to even attempt a leisurely coffee), and it's lovely! A large communal table is the main seating, complete with baguettes, butter, and an assortment of jams as a centrepiece. If you feel like a spot of bread, you just help yourself and pay by the honour system--which kind of sets the tone for the rest of the shop. Friendly staff, great coffee, and (at least on non-market days), the perfect place for a relaxing drink or nibble. This was our view as we enjoyed our expertly made lattés:
We were going to try a new coffee, but we enjoyed our last purchase so much that we decided to stick with our Brasil Rodomunho. As Bob was paying, I noticed a chalkboard behind the counter that assured us that our coffee was indeed freshly roasted.
After leaving Borough, we walked across London Bridge, dodging all the City workers rushing toward the station in a sea of black and white clothing, and made our way home in time for Bob to enjoy his first football game on our TV. "It's on one of our channels?" he said with disbelief when I mentioned I had seen it listed. "The ones that we get? . . . Cooooool . . ."

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