07 March 2007

Take Courage

Once again we found ourselves meeting at London Bridge station, since it's a very convenient spot for both of us when Bob's at this particular school (as he will be until Tuesday). We decided to walk over to the Tate Modern, but chose a different route other than our usual Thames-side path. After a few quick stops on Borough High Street at the post office and our bank, we scooted past the edge of Borough Market, again on a non-market-day, in case you're wondering about this forlorn produce cart.
Along the way, we came across another example of Space Invader's tilework (and I didn't notice the funny stencilling next to the yellow "H" until I uploaded today's photos onto the computer),
and a building that I had seen on several previous occasions, but somehow never took a photo until now.
While I was intrigued by the mysteriousness of this slogan, Bob informed me that it's actually quite simple: the sign is promoting a beer called Courage. Still heading toward the Tate Modern, we stopped in at the Bramah Museum of Tea and Coffee to have some coffee (which, strangely, tasted a bit cinnamon-y, the most tea-like coffee I've ever had). We didn't go into the museum, located just behind the very large café, but there were enough old coffee makers, tea pots, and cast-iron coffee roasting machines in the café to keep our interest as we sipped our coffees. Arriving at the Tate Modern, Bob noticed these two works of art in a community garden right next door:
We always enjoy the views from the Tate Modern
and after wandering through the Gilbert and George exhibition, which was decidedly underwhelming, we walked across the Millennium Bridge (pictured above), toward St. Paul's and the bus that would take us home. Unfortunately, Bob forgot that Arsenal was playing tonight and we got caught in the worst traffic, so our trip home was a bit longer than expected. We're still not used to the fact that we live in a neighbourhood where we have to make note of the football schedule to plan trouble-free routes back and forth from home, but last night was a good incentive to keep the next match day in mind!

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