08 April 2007

A Fiver Here, A Tenner There

We continued our weekend of markets today by heading back to Columbia Road flower market, in search of a little something for ourselves and also for our dinner hosts tonight. On our way to the market, we spotted this sign, straight out of a letting agent's dream:
The market was super-crowded on this Easter Sunday, and the stallholders were yelling to the throngs about various plants and flowers available for "a fiver" or "a tenner"--"cheap as chips." The selection was incredible and everyone walking through the market seemed to be carrying something different.

The food stalls were doing a brisk business as well, with people lining up at Jones Dairy,
the coffee kiosk,
and this oyster stall, all in search of the energy to carry their purchases home. We stayed focussed on the flowers though, and came away with some nice cut flowers (for our hosts) and a potted hydrangea (for us).
After walking over to Brick Lane for a bagel lunch, we headed home for some coffee and a bit of puttering around before heading out again for dinner at the home of a teacher that Bob befriended at one of his schools, where we were treated to a succulent dinner and lively company--a perfect ending to a relaxing Sunday!

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