30 April 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: Lilac Is Worth the Wait

Dianne was supposed to have her surgery today, but it was postponed at the VERY last minute, with no new date set as of yet, and it looks like nothing will happen before we leave Vancouver--not the most ideal situation for us, but we're glad that Dianne continues to do well and is remaining her usual upbeat self. After a day of dealing with these last-minute changes, Bob and I went for a short walk around the neighbourhood--the same neighbourhood that Bob grew up in and whose landscape is filled with typically tangential memories of childhood, like this "landmark," which Bob reminded me (I've been given this tour before) is the bush he used to hide in when he was a kid. It doesn't quite do the trick these days (and Bob also claims that it used to be bigger, while he is, of course, substantially larger):
Other tidbits of Bob's decidedly non-London-Walks tour were essentials like: "That's where I lit the newspaper on fire by the church and nearly burned the church down," "That's where I went to Cubs," and "That's where Jacques fought Landon to establish neighbourhood supremacy." Ah, the gems of youth. During the "tour," we spotted this edited sign:
Tough neighbourhood! (Okay, not really.) I had some returns to drop off at the local library, and contributed to the mountain that patrons were building at the mouth of the after-hours drop:
On our way back home, we walked through the rear garden and admired the developing lilac tree:
Dianne's cut lilac stems are always a welcome marker of spring--I hope we get to experience their wonderful scent perfuming the living room very soon!

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