20 April 2007


It's a bit unexpected, but tomorrow we'll be on a plane to Vancouver. We found out on Saturday that Bob's mum will have surgery next week and so we decided to head back for three weeks for a visit. While we never thought we'd be in Vancouver so soon after arriving in London, it'll be a nice excuse to see people and enjoy everything that Vancouver has to offer, including the low cost of, well, EVERYTHING.
This $20 bill, currently worth about £8.90, may not seem like a lot of money to Londoners (because it isn't in a town where £8.90 barely buys two coffees and a piece of cake for sharing at an ordinary café), but in Vancouver $20 goes quite a bit further. This one bill is actually capable of buying a very nice lunch for two--sushi lunch, in fact, if Bob and I have any say in the matter! Mmm sushi . . . I almost forget what the good stuff tastes like . . .

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