09 April 2007

London Possibilities

We ended up staying home for most of the day today, but when we finally made it out of our flat, we headed in the general direction of Regent's Park. Close to the park, this statue of a pony and the house's matching barn-like door caught my eye:
The park was still busy with people and we walked along the main boulevard for part of the time
before moving to the more manicured paths that run on either side of the main walk.
Highly scented with pretty flowers
and with fountains adding sight and sound to the walk,
Regent's Park made for a relaxing stroll and a bit of a sit on a fountain-side bench before we headed home on the bus. When we got back to our flat, Bob mentioned how it's still strange to think that we actually live in London and can just head over to Regent's Park (or Hampstead Heath, or or or [insert name of iconic London destination here]) for a leisurely stroll--and it's nice to realize that four months into our adventure, we're still not taking that fact for granted!

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