24 April 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: An Enigmatic Face

Today Bob's parents took us out to Richmond (Vancouver's Richmond, not London's Richmond!) for lunch--the restaurant turned out to be a sushi place, but not just any sushi place: an all-you-can-eat (or as we've seen them called, a bit more tastefully, in London: "eat-all-you-wish") restaurant! Well, rest assured that Bob ate his weight in sushi and even had room for the chocolate ice-cream that was included with the meal. After our generous lunch ("Is it naptime?" Bob asked as we left), we spent the rest of the day at home, doing exciting things like our taxes (which are due on April 30th) and scanning through Bob's parents' enormous array of TV channels for good things to tape on their digital recorder (I don't know how Bob will survive back in London with our five channels after this). All in all, it was a relaxing day that ended with a pretty evening sky
and the cute face of this figurine, one of many knick-knacks on a shelf in "our" bedroom:
Just look at that expression! Doesn't he look like he could be thinking a million different things?

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