18 January 2008

The Alphabet

I met Bob after work today and we meandered up to our Shoreditch destination, vaguely aiming for a direct route, but also choosing our path based on whether we'd been that way before. Somehow this face made Jerome Street seem friendly,
but I suppose someone else disagrees!
I think we've seen one of these roll-shutter letters before,
but after we saw the second one,
I started to look (rather hopefully) for more. I didn't put it together at the time, but the artist responsible also did the fantastic "Scary" mural and a few other murals that I haven't yet come across, but will most definitely photograph when I do! And if you're curious, apparently (more than) a full alphabet is waiting out there for the viewing. We finally arrived at our destination, Shoreditch Town Hall, for the latest exhibition to fill their wonderfully decrepit basement rooms.

This last piece ran the length of a long, narrow hallway leading up to the room, and made people unsure as to whether they could or should step on the paper as they approached the room. In the end, all the dusty footprints left by gallery-goers added to the vaguely footprint-like motif drawn on the paper itself.
After we were done, we emerged from the basement to a typical east-London view that fit nicely with the building we'd just been in!

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