14 January 2008

Chocolate or Parsnip

Forget crisps; these are the tastiest snacks of all time:
Chocolate-covered rice crackers from Muji--so simple, and yet an incredible balance of flavours and textures that has my mouth watering as I type. I had forgotten all about these until I came across them in Muji, and I instantly ran over to Bob and said, "Remember these?!" to which he smiled and then went into serious mode, wondering how many bags we could fit into our suitcases. Well, when we run out, we can always try making our own (how difficult could it be?), but for now we have, um, "several" bags stashed away in the cupboard for snacking emergencies. Don't worry, though, we're still eating our veg--I bought an armful today to roast for dinner!

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