05 February 2007

Be Good to Yourself

Well, I'm feeling a bit better today, but not well enough to do much more than today's teaching and then come home and nap. Since I've been ill (it seems that people here only say they've been "sick" if they've actually been throwing up, but it's hard for me to avoid saying that word, since it's what Canadians would usually say to describe any cold, flu, or other illness) I've had little appetite, even leaving food that Bob has kindly prepared mostly unfinished. The only things I feel like consuming are soup, bread, juice, and fruit, so today's dinner is going to be one of these:

The spicy parsnip one is very nice, but I don't think my throat can take spice tonight. I haven't tried the tomato one yet, but I had a different tomato soup for dinner last night, so I think it'll be the carrot and coriander tonight, which I've tried before and found to be tasty. What I like most about this line of soups is that some of the ingredients, which happen to be my favourites (like parsnips), aren't generally found in supermarket-brand, conventional soups in Canada. Plus kudos to the Sainsbury's marketing team for coming up with a line named "be good to yourself." That's exactly what I need right about now!
P.S. If you're curious to see some photos of Sir John Soane's Museum, which Bob and I visited on 30 January, go back to the post and you'll see I've inserted links for two photos I found online . . .

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