04 February 2007

Sixth Form (1 February)

So, it's a bit of a long story, but I have a short-term job teaching sixth-form English. Sixth form is basically equivalent to grades 11 and 12 in Canada; here in London, students graduate from secondary school after completing the equivalent of grade 10. If they choose to continue and they have the grades that allow them to, they go on to sixth form for two years, and then, potentially, university. Anyway, I started teaching yesterday (with less than 24 hours notice and teaching poetry I'd only just read for the first time the night before) and today was my second day. So far the kids seem clever and interested in the classwork, and since it's sixth form, I haven't encountered any of the behaviour "issues" that Bob finds are common in the lower years. Today's photo is the view out of one of my classroom windows:

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