18 February 2007

Pour Maintenant . . .

So we're in Paris and we're home tomorrow and we just discovered that the fantastic and wonderful Pompidou Museum has free internet. . . but the keyboard is French (mais oui) and suddenly I can't type at all. Par example, here's what the previous sentence looks like when I hit keys where they would be on an English keyboard:

So zeùre in Paris qnd zeùre ho,e to,orroz qnd ze just discovered thqt the fqntqstic qnd zo,derful Po,pidou ?useu, hqs free internet : : : but the keyboqrd is French 8,qis oui9 qnd suddenly I cqnùt type qt qll:

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that *way* too many photos are coming your way very soon. For now, all I'll leave you with is that Paris may just be the best city ever. EVER.

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