06 February 2007

Noticing the Little Things

Well, my illness is hanging on, which made for a bit of an annoying visit to the library tonight (cough cough cough) to use their internet after ours mysteriously disappeared again. We really will be very happy when our new service starts up, although I don't think either of us ever thought it would take until mid-March to happen. Anyway, since I've been ill, our flat has gotten a bit, um, messy, and I did some tidying up tonight while Bob made dinner. At the bottom of a huge pile of paper on our coffee table, I found a plastic bag from when we got takeaway from one of the fish and chips places in our neighbourhood before my flu set in, but, astoundingly, I hadn't really looked at the bag until now:

That's quite the lofty claim! And speaking of having to look to see something that was there all along, when we came out of the library tonight (a branch we've been to several times), Bob said, "Look at the piggie!" and I was confused until I saw the piggie (and doggie), just outside the library exit:

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