23 February 2007


So we finally broke down (okay, I finally gave in to Bob's whinging) and bought a TV. Actually, *we* didn't buy the TV; we used Christmas/ housewarming money from my parents to buy it, so we have them to thank! (And it's a Samsung, so that should do their little Korean hearts proud.) Tomorrow we're going to get a DVD player and assorted cords to make the TV complete and then a vast range of five "free" (but you have to pay for them via an annual TV licence) channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4, and Five) as well as DVDs will be at our disposal. In an odd coincidence, I also picked up a few books from my beloved 59-pence-books thriftstore today, and after we set up the TV, I noticed the back of one of my new-to-me books mocking our purchase
in a nice reminder not to make our newest acquisition change our London existence into a completely remote-control one!

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