04 February 2007

Going to the Virtual Ballet (2 February)

Well, we had planned to do quite a few things tonight, but toward the middle of the evening, I began to feel ill with what's become quite a bad flu, so we headed home early instead. Still, before I started feeling too achy and feverish, we managed to see an amazing event called "Flock," described as a virtual Swan Lake which makes use of infrared sensors to detect participants' movements and adjust the ballet being projected on the pavement accordingly. It took place in Trafalgar Square and was an interesting sight from afar
and close-up.
My photos don't really do the performance justice; the projected dancers followed you around the "stage" and many people were really getting into the spirit of things by dancing their hearts out. Bob and I more strolled out hearts out. Here's a blurry Bob as non-chalant ballerina:
The projections changed over time, ranging from dancers to graphics to words:
A bit chilled and in need of food, we crossed the square to eat in the St. Martin's in the Fields restaurant, a place where we always leave feeling very well-nourished. Tonight's dinner was red-pepper gnocci with steamed vegetables and potatoes, all by candlelight. Sadly, the restaurant will be closed from next week until October while the church undergoes renovations. We'll miss it while it's gone!

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