22 February 2007

Country Bird, City Train (21 February)

Bob taught at a school in southeast London, so we met at the nearby rail station and made our way to the Horniman Museum, which has a beautiful garden

and a small animal enclosure with some very cute birds and goats.

The museum buildings themselves are lovely too, including a glass conservatory that immediately brought to mind the ill-fated glass church in Oscar and Lucinda.

As for the museum itself, we didn't have much time to look at the exhibits, but walked through the Great White Bear exhibit and the small aquarium (the starfish made me miss our frequent walks on the Stanley Park seawall, where we'd always see starfish at low tide on the back side of the park) before exiting right at closing time.

On our way out of the garden, the most exquisite birdsong came from directly beside the path.
After our tranquil visit to the Horniman, we were quickly snapped out of our country state of mind and reminded that we're still in big city, as evidenced by the very crowded tube platform that greeted us on our journey home:

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